Friday, 1 November 2013

The monsters of mental illness

Toby Allen's series 'real monsters'

I like what the illustrator has done here taking a subject that is very sensitive but not enough people deal with it and in his way he has created images that not only educate the masses in a more light hearted way than say a medical leaflet/poster, but he has also created a characters to represent the illnesses transforming them from abstract ideas of emotion into physical things which make them alot easier to grasp and understand. Also the combination of the text explaining the illnesses but in a way where it is the direct result of these creatures rather than an illness making it easier to digest. It explains symptoms in a sweeping glance with a small explanation of his monsters personalities and actions.
I really like these images because they take a sensitive topic and blow it out there for people to see, trying to eradicate the taboo of mental illnesses and make it into common knowledge and something we talk about.

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