Monday, 18 May 2015

OUIL 501 Group tutorial feedback

We had group tutorials on our essays today.

Feedback and ideas:

Talk about book to movie adaptations. What's scary in a book is very different to whats scary in a movie. Are plots changed just to justify more jumps in a film?

Books can spend paragraphs describing a mood and tension of what is actually only a split second in real time making it amost impossible for directors to achieve the same level of tension.

The question of ethics in film
Carrie was remade recently and released at a lower age rating than it first was. Our special effects have advanced since the first release so surely the new film is more realistic with gore. So the only reason it would have a lower age restriction is if what they considered inappropriate for a younger age group is no longer considered that way. Either we were over protecting before or the gore and violence has less effect on children of this generation.
Perhaps its so that more people can come and see it if there are less restrictions which comes down to a moral dilemma which is more important; boosting film ratings or properly protecting minors from violent content.

Blue and green blood can be used in movies to add more gore without it being so bad they would geet a higher age rating.

Question to be either
How has technology influenced desensitization or Has technology caused desensitization. One assumes that desensitization has happened and will discuss what factors have led to it. The second question would make an essay more into a debate over whether it has or not. I think that will make it easier to write if I can propose and argue two options.

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