Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The hills are alive with the sound bad singing

So when I initially planned to do my promo video I was going to have it made by me, music by me etc etc. But the kind of music I've been thinking of accompanyin my animation ha been light bubbly ukulele music like in the oreo adverts. I realise though that I can't sing, well i was already aware of this but i thought maybe I'd be able to kind of do it. I can't. I'm super bad. And then I considered getting someone else to do the singing for me but then that would ruin the little bit I liked where I was going to have credits at the en but i've done it all so its just my name repeated over and over. Bringing in a guest singer would mean crediting them. But i have had EPIPHANY!
I started watching a new cartoon called Pickle and Peanut and their intro tune is really catchy but lo-fi and I like the light playful sense you get from it. This is something I want to convey in my promo vid beause i need to advertise the good qualities in my work. So i'm thinking of doing something similar with spoken word to a beat/tune and seeing how it goes. Also I bought some tiny electronic 'finger steel drums' so i might add that in too if i ever get the back off to put batteries in.

The structure of the words can make it easier for me to plan my animation too as some can just be a collection of really simple animated objects flashed up when the word is said.

I've now got to come up with strings of words related to my practice or are things I draw etc and try and make a rhythmic chant of them.

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