Thursday, 21 January 2016

Toys are testing me

So i drew myself to make the wrapping paper for Thought Bubble and this is the same pattern I decided to use to make my toys that I could send to people I am contacting.

This is the printed out strips ready to be cut and then wrapped around a small stick so that the toy is complete.
I had to leave them wrapped up and tied down for a day or so, so that they would retain their shape better.

This first video is the A3 prototypes. They don't really spring out as wanted.

This second video is of two A3's stuck together to see if that would improved it. It goes out as far as I want but it gets stuck and doesn't come back. I think the tape is causing that though.

I have since printed at A2 and it goes back and forth but easily falls apart. I think the paper itself needs to be taller as well as longer in width so that it can go out and retract but tall enough that it keeps it's structure. Tracing paper is on a roll down in the print dungeon so my next step is to double up the height but also make it way longer. And then if that works I can finally buy some cowling and make these toys. Once I have the design down I plan to send them out to practitioners along with a letter and the envelope/ stationary paper will be branded with my logo as well. 

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