Thursday, 7 April 2016

Getting there

This is the current front to my business card. i like it, its simple and theres no colour but also this could be printed on a colour stock and would work that way. I gave up on fonts as they just don't look nice with my drawing i think. So i just played around with loads of brushes and wrote my own font.

Here are some of my attempts:

The ones in the middle i liked at first because its centred and thats always soothing to look at but they could only be small otherwise they overlapped the lighter areas and became hard to read. So i chose the top corner as it has the darkest selection of colour. I liked the big fat brush because i feel thats what would fit more with my drawing. I tend to use my own handwriting because there are a lot of qualities of the line that match up with my drawing. And I think it just gave it more personality by using my own writing.

This means i have to write the back as well though. So i will be drawing and deleting repeatedly til i get the perfect lettering. It will be a long process but i think this business card will be succesful as i've avoided over doing it like in my first business card plan of today. I really need to cool the jets and let there be some simple design in my practice aswell, not just heavy amounts of crowded detail.

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