Monday, 18 April 2016

Ghost Shrimp

So this is a company that i adore and made it my life goal to one day be a ghost scout and go hang out in the woods for a  month with them. I decided i wanted to do this back in foundation and i had almost forgot about it this year but now i've seen that the applications are up and due in June for this yeas ghost scouts. I intend to be one of the 8 this year.

You have to make a video with yourself in it that is specifically made for your ghost shrimp application. I think this is something that works in my favour as i can do a mix of real footage and animation. 

The question air looks like it is aiming to get fun and creative answers back so this is something i will add drawings to and make my whole response into an illustrated dream. I'm going to use all of my skills to try and make myself stand out in the crowd of applicants. Looking at the past ghost scouts they are majority male, i think this might be because there were more men willing to enjoy the survival outdoor aspect to the trip. So i'm going to push my survival skills. Like being able to stay outside in rain. Then maybe some silly ones like fighting a bear. My aim is to use as much of my humour as possible because i feel not only am i trying to sell my work here, i'm mainly trying to sell myself. I want them to look at my application and be like yeah she's cool i want her to come here because i want to get to know her. I aim to make them want to be my friend as much as i want to be theirs.

They have a little contact bit on their website and i know in a lot of sites this is something that you are very unlikely to get a response back but there is a sentence above specifically encouraging people to ask questions and that they love to reply so i think this is a good way to contact them.

It says on the application part off the ghost scout opportunity that it tends to be strong applications sent in early that get picked so i think i may actually apply next year but work on it all summer so that i am one of the early applicants and i'll have a mega strong application. And hopefully had a reply to my question via email so that i have their email address which i can then send images to as little gifts and thankyou's for replies.
Also i don't think i'd be ready for this year as i have no passport and never have and i am perpetually poor. But by next year i will be earning a steady wage and in ownership of one passport.

My message:
Hi i'm a 3rd year illustrator at university in the uk. 
I just really admire the work you produce here, how do you choose your colour pallets? because they are always so well balanced. 
What kind of jobs did you do when you were first starting out? And did you find it hard to find work and make contacts? or are you just mega amazing at socialising? Any advice for an illustrator newbie would be much appreciated
If you fancy checking out any of my work my site is 
Thanks for any time you spent reading this and have an awesome day!

at this point i think the things i will learn in preparation for my ghost scout application will be:
Fire building
Wood chopping 
Axe work
Animals in Vermont
Plants in Vermont - whats poisonous

I'm just going to do as much as i possible can to solidify my chances of being a ghost scout.

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